Oregon Association of Public Information Officers
The mission of the OAPIO is to promote professionalism, transparency, and community trust among public safety agencies, through effective communication and the dissemination of accurate information.

"We work to support each other, foster collaboration and build relationships across jurisdictional lines."
- President Kelsey Anderson

The Oregon Association of Public Information Officers was formed in 2024 to:
A. Provide resources, research, and educational opportunities for the development of public information practices among public safety agencies.
B. Foster collaboration and information-sharing among law enforcement, fire service and government agencies across Oregon.
C. Promote transparency and open communication between public safety agencies and the public.
D. Educate membership on best practices and current legislation related to public information and public relations.
E. Serve as a liaison between public safety agencies, the media, and the community in matters relating to safety and information.
A Message From Your President

Kelsey Anderson
President, OAPIO
Tigard Police Dept.
Thank you for visiting the website for the Oregon Association for Public Information Officers! Our members represent public information officers and communications professionals from a range of public-facing organizations, including law enforcement, fire agencies, cities, transportation, corrections and more.
We recognize the critical role that authentic and transparent communication has in the communities we serve. As PIOs, we manage daily communications, work with news media, manage social media, navigate crisis communications, focus on brand management and community engagement, plus so much more.
Through OAPIO, we work to support each other, foster collaboration and build relationships across jurisdictional lines. Every spring, we host a conference to further our professional development, share best practices, examine recent case studies and network with PIO colleagues in similar roles across the state.
If you’d like to get involved, please reach out to me. I’d appreciate the opportunity to connect with you!
With thanks,
Kelsey Anderson
President, Oregon Association for Public Information Officers
Member Links: OAPIO Bylaws​​
Questions? Contact Association President
Executive Board Members
President: Kelsey Anderson
Tigard Police Department
Desk Phone: 503-718-2561
Work Cell: 971-708-2921
Email: Kelsey.Anderson@tigard-or.gov
Vice President: Brian McCall
Clackamas County Sheriff’s Office
Email: bmccall@clackamas.us
Secretary-Treasurer: Deputy David Huey
Washington County Sheriff’s Office
​Region 1 Representative: Stefan Myers
Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue
Email: stefan.myers@tvfr.com
Region 2 Representative: Sabra Jewell
City of Monmouth
Email: sjewell@ci.monmouth.or.us
Region 3 Representative: Aaron Lewis
Jackson County Sheriff’s Office
Email: LewisAJ@jacksoncountyor.gov
Region 4 Representative: Sheila Miller
Bend Police
Email: shmiller@bendoregon.gov